Campaign Background

This campaign was originally designed for three to five children, who had never played AD&D, between the ages of 10 and 16. It was designed so that player who have no experience with the Forgotten Realms could play characters who also had no experiences in the Forgotten Realms.

As things often do the campaign grew out of control... it's alive, ALIVE! Now we have lot of players of various ages and role playing experience levels plus the original children with no experience.

I am not new to role playing games but this is my first real campaign as DM/GM so I will be learning as we go as well. I am a "role playing over rules" DM so if you are a "rules lawyer" your going to hate me. :) My feeling is that the rules are there as a structure to hold the game together but never absolute; having fun playing as someone fantastic in another world is the real goal.

Optional Rules In Use

  • The "Critical Hit" and "Critical Fumble" rules are in use (p.61 DMG).
  • The "Hovering At Death Door" (0 = Unconscious, -10 = dead) is in use (p.75 DMG).
  • The "Proficiencies" system is in use (p.50-65 PH).
  • The "Spell Components" rule is in use (p.85-86 PH).
  • The "Max Num Of Spells Per Level" rule in NOT in use, what a stoooopid (Dexter voice) rule (p.17 PH).
  • The "Group Initiative" rule is in use (p.94-95 PH).

Character Generation

Here are some basic guidelines for generating your characters.

Rolling Abilities:
  • Use "Method V" (p.13 PH, p.10 DMG).
  • Experienced players may use Methods I, II, or III if you want. (p.13 PH, p.9-10 DMG).
Characters who originated on the island of Imaskis:
  • You are a young student of the school.
  • You automatically gain the following proficiencies as extra freebies: Swimming, Riding - Horses, Speaking/Reading/Writing Common, Speaking Imaskian.
  • Characters are level 1.
  • Spell casters may pick seven first level spells from the Players Handbook, Wizard's Handbook, or The Tome Of Magic.
  • Your equipment may be chosen from the Clothing, Miscellaneous, Weapons, and Armor categories (p.67-69 PH) and may not total more then 500gp and no single item may cost more then 35gp. You may not select any magical items to start with.
  • As a student of the school on Imaskis you have had access to the recently aquired "Cyclopedia of the Realms" by a sage named Elminster. That is the limit of you knowledge of the realms.
Characters who did not originate on the island of Imaskis:
  • You may have any kind of background you want, but you have been stranded on the island nation of Imaskis for at least three years. How you got there is up to you with one caveat; you did not intend to find Imaskis when you were stranded there.
  • Alternatively your character can be one that does not start on the island. in that case you will need to play a pre-rolled character until we can introduce your character.
  • You gain one extra proficiency, of your choosing, if you have been involved with the school since you came to Imakis.
  • Your character can be as high as level 5.
  • Spell casters may pick seven first level spells, five second level spells, and three third level spells (if the characters level allows it) from the Players Handbook, Wizard's Handbook, or The Tome Of Magic.
  • Your equipment may be chosen from the Clothing, Miscellaneous, Weapons, and Armor categories (p.67-69 PH) and may not total more then 500gp and no single item may cost more then 35gp. You may have a magic item or two with the DMs permission.
  • Your character has a knowledge of Toril up to the time he/she came to live on Imaskis. If your character is involved with the school you also have had access to the recently aquired "Cyclopedia of the Realms" by the sage Elminster.